Brawl Stars Bonnie Guide 2024: Top Builds & Winning Strategies

Master Brawl Stars with our Bonnie Guide! Discover top builds, strategies, and tips to maximize her potential. Unleash B...

Ready to dominate the battlefield with Bonnie in Brawl Stars? This guide's got you covered! Bonnie, one of the game's most ever-changing brawlers, offers a unique blend of agility and firepower that can turn the tide of any match. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, knowing the best builds and strategies for Bonnie is essential to maximize her potential.

Who is Bonnie in Brawl Stars?

Bonnie is an Epic Brawler in Brawl Stars, recognized for her unique dual forms and versatile combat capabilities. In her cannon form, she boasts a high health pool and can deliver long-range attacks. This makes her a formidable presence on the battlefield.

When Bonnie transforms, she shifts into an alternate form capable of inflicting devastating close-range damage. This transformation strategy allows players to adapt to various combat situations. Whether you need to engage enemies from afar or up close, Bonnie offers flexibility.

Understanding Bonnie's dual forms is crucial for mastering her gameplay. Her cannon form excels at providing support and dealing sustained damage from a distance. Conversely, her alternate form lets you jump into the fray and unleash powerful attacks.

Use these strengths strategically to dominate matches in Brawl Stars.

Bonnie's Strengths and Weaknesses

Bonnie's Strengths

Bonnie excels due to her high health pool and versatile attack forms. She possesses almost the same health points as El Primo, making her very durable on the battlefield. This allows you to sustain more damage before being taken out.

Her long-range attacks in cannon form are particularly notable. Bonnie fires fast-moving teeth projectiles that can consistently damage foes from a distance, keeping enemies at bay while you maintain a safe position. This makes her excellent for controlling large areas and supporting your team from afar.

Another key strength is her devastating close-range damage when she transforms into her alternate form. By firing three exploding shells within a short range, Bonnie can deal important damage quickly. Her Super Ability enables this transformation, propelling herself out of her cannon and landing with an area-of-effect explosion that wreaks havoc on nearby enemies.

Bonnie's Weaknesses

Even though her strengths, Bonnie has some notable weaknesses. Her cannon form, while offering long-range attacks, suffers from lower mobility. This makes it easier for faster brawlers to dodge her projectiles or close the gap quickly.

In her alternate form, although she deals high damage up close, she becomes vulnerable due to lower health compared to her cannon form. If enemies maintain their distance or use ranged attacks effectively, Bonnie can be eliminated swiftly.

Finally, using Bonnie’s Super Ability requires precise timing and positioning. Misusing it can leave you exposed or place you in unfavorable situations where escaping becomes difficult. Understanding these constraints helps mitigate risks and optimize your gameplay strategy with Bonnie.

Best Star Powers for Bonnie

Choosing the right Star Powers for Bonnie can significantly enhance her performance in Brawl Stars. Here are the best options:

Black Powder

Black Powder increases Bonnie's Super range from 7.33 tiles to 10 tiles. This enhancement allows you to exert pressure on foes from a safer distance or surprise them with unexpected attacks. It's particularly effective in open maps where range is crucial.

Super Range

Super Range further extends the range of Bonnie's Super, making it more effective in various situations. Attacking from a safer distance reduces your vulnerability and improves your strategic positioning. This Star Power is ideal for maintaining control over larger areas of the map.

Both Star Powers make Bonnie a formidable opponent across different game modes by improving her abilities. Choosing between them depends on your playstyle and the exact map you're playing on. Use these enhancements wisely to maximize Bonnie's impact in matches and dominate the battlefield.

Best Gadgets for Bonnie

Sugar Rush stands out as a top gadget for Bonnie. It boosts her movement and reload speed by 30% for 5 seconds, improving her agility and attack frequency. This gadget activates only when Bonnie is in her cannon form, making it a strategic choice during key moments.

Another valuable gadget is Crash Test. It stuns enemies, pushes them backward, and often leads to a 1v1 victory. This gadget offers important tactical advantages by disrupting enemy formations.

Both gadgets enhance Bonnie's versatility on the battlefield. Sugar Rush allows quick repositioning, while Crash Test provides crowd control and combat dominance. These features make her formidable in various game modes.

Using these gadgets effectively can turn the tide of battle. Activate Sugar Rush to dodge attacks or chase down foes quickly. Deploy Crash Test when facing multiple enemies to gain the upper hand.

Summarizing, mastering Sugar Rush and Crash Test will elevate your gameplay with Bonnie. Prioritize using these gadgets based on the situation to maximize their benefits.

Best Gears for Bonnie

Choosing the Best Gears for Bonnie significantly impacts your gameplay. Each gear enhances different aspects of her abilities, making her more versatile on the battlefield.

Health and Damage Gears

Health and Damage gears are top choices among many players. They boost Bonnie's survivability and attack power. In open maps, these gears use her long-range attacks effectively.

Speed and Damage Gears

Another popular combination is Speed and Damage gears. These enhance both her movement and attack capabilities. This build makes Bonnie agile, allowing quick repositioning while dealing important damage.

Gadget Charge Gear and Damage Gear

A exact build involves using the Gadget Charge Gear along with the Damage Gear. The Gadget Charge Gear increases the number of times you can use Bonnie's gadget, while the Damage Gear boosts damage output when her health is low. This combination maximizes her offensive potential in critical moments.

Super Charge Gear

Some players prefer the Super Charge Gear, which is particularly useful when Bonnie's Super is a important part of your strategy. This gear helps charge her Super faster, enabling frequent use of her powerful abilities to dominate matches.

Each gear set offers unique advantages customized to different playstyles and strategies. Experiment with these combinations to find what works best for you in various game modes.

Best Teammates for Bonnie

Bonnie excels with supportive teammates who can protect her while she deals damage. Pairing her with healers like Poco or Byron ensures she stays in the fight longer. Poco’s Super heals all nearby allies, and Byron’s attacks heal teammates over time.

Tanky brawlers such as Frank or El Primo make great partners for Bonnie. Their high health pools can absorb damage, allowing Bonnie to focus on attacking from a distance. Frank's stunning abilities and El Primo's close-range combat skills complement Bonnie's dual forms.

Crowd control brawlers, including Sandy and Gene, also synergize well with Bonnie. Sandy's Super creates a sandstorm that conceals allies, providing cover for Bonnie to switch forms safely. Gene’s magic hand can pull enemies into Bonnie’s range, making it easier to land devastating hits.

Pairing Bonnie with ranged attackers like Piper or Brock enhances her long-range capabilities. Piper’s sniper shots and Brock’s explosive rockets can soften up enemies before Bonnie finishes them off. This combination keeps opponents at bay while maximizing damage output.

For game modes requiring zone control, Pam and Jessie are excellent choices. Pam's healing turret provides sustained health regeneration, and Jessie’s turret adds consistent pressure on enemies. These utilities enable Bonnie to maintain dominance in strategic areas.

Selecting the right teammates boosts Bonnie’s effectiveness across various game modes by compensating for her vulnerabilities and amplifying her strengths.

Best Game Modes for Bonnie

Showdown: Bonnie excels in Showdown thanks to her high health pool and long-range attacks in cannon form. She can transform into her alternate form to inflict close-range damage, making her a formidable opponent. This versatility allows you to adapt to different situations and dominate the battlefield.

Bounty: In Bounty, quick movements and rapid fire are crucial. Bonnie benefits from her Sugar Rush Gadget, which enhances her speed and reload time. These advantages enable you to outmaneuver opponents, secure kills, and collect stars efficiently.

Knockout: Bonnie's aggressive playstyle shines in Knockout. Her ability to deal important damage in close combat makes her a strong contender. Use her strengths to eliminate enemies quickly and gain the upper hand.

Duels: In Duels, survivability is key. Bonnie's high health and close-range damage capabilities make her a popular choice for one-on-one battles. You can leverage these attributes to outlast your opponent and secure victory.

Overall, Bonnie's adaptability across multiple game modes makes her a valuable asset in Brawl Stars. By understanding each mode's unique requirements, you can maximize Bonnie's potential and achieve success on the battlefield.

Tips for Playing Bonnie Effectively

Bonnie's Cannon Form: Use Bonnie's cannon form as her primary mode. This form offers important range and damage output, making it ideal for captivating enemies from a distance. Only switch to her human form when absolutely necessary for escaping or finishing off low-health opponents.

Positioning: Maintain a safe distance while in cannon form. Use the increased range provided by the Black Powder Star Power to pressure foes without exposing yourself to danger. Keep moving to avoid becoming an easy target.

Gadget Usage: Activate the Sugar Rush Gadget strategically. Boost your movement and reload speed by 30% for 5 seconds, allowing you to dodge incoming attacks and dish out rapid-fire projectiles. Save this gadget for critical moments like team fights or when retreating.

Gears Optimization: Equip the Gadget Charge Gear to use Sugar Rush more frequently during matches. This extra activation can turn the tide of battle, especially in close games. Also, use the Damage Gear, which increases your damage output by 15% when below half health, giving you an edge in clutch situations.

Engagements: Initiate fights using Bonnie's superior range and firepower in cannon form. When facing aggressive brawlers or tanks, stay at max range to whittle down their health before they can close in on you. If forced into close combat, consider switching forms only if you're confident of securing a kill or need a quick escape.

Team Coordination: Work closely with teammates who can provide support or crowd control. Pairing Bonnie with healers like Poco or tanky brawlers like Frank can create a formidable frontline while you deal damage from behind.

By mastering these strategies and utilizing Bonnie's best builds effectively, you'll dominate battles and maximize her potential on the battlefield.


To excel with Bonnie in Brawl Stars, focus on her unique abilities and strategic advantages. Her high health pool and long-range attacks in cannon form provide a solid foundation for dominating the battlefield.

Best Gadget: Sugar Rush

The Sugar Rush gadget offers a important boost, making Bonnie more agile. Activating it grants a 30% increase in movement and reload speed for 5 seconds. This is particularly useful on open maps and in modes like duels and Showdown.

Best Star Power: Black Powder

Black Powder is essential for increasing Bonnie's Super range from 7.33 tiles to 10 tiles. This allows you to pressure enemies from a safer distance. Use this Star Power to create opportunities for devastating combos.

Optimal Strategies

Use Bonnie's cannon form to maximize range and damage output. Maintain proper positioning to leverage her long-range capabilities effectively. Combine the Sugar Rush gadget with Black Powder to enhance mobility and attack potential.

Engage enemies strategically by utilizing superior range. Coordinate with teammates to support crowd control efforts. By mastering these strategies, you can dominate battles with Bonnie, maximizing her potential on the battlefield.

Key Takeaways

  • Bonnie's Dual Forms: Bonnie excels with her dual forms—cannon form for long-range attacks and high health, and alternate form for close-range damage. Mastering the switch between these forms is crucial for versatile gameplay.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Bonnie's strengths include a high health pool and powerful attacks, but she suffers from lower mobility in cannon form and vulnerability in her alternate form. Understanding these pros and cons helps optimize your strategies.
  • Best Star Powers: Black Powder is the top Star Power, extending Bonnie’s Super range to 10 tiles, enabling safer and more strategic engagements.
  • Optimal Gadgets: Sugar Rush boosts movement and reload speed by 30% for 5 seconds, while Crash Test offers crowd control by stunning enemies. Using these gadgets effectively can turn battles in your favor.
  • Effective Gear Combinations: Health, Damage, Speed gears enhance survivability and attack capabilities. Gadget Charge Gear combined with Damage Gear maximizes offensive potential during critical moments.
  • Strategic Team Play: Pair Bonnie with healers like Poco or tanky brawlers like Frank to compensate for her weaknesses and amplify her strengths. This synergy is key to dominating various game modes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Bonnie in Brawl Stars?

Bonnie is a versatile brawler in Brawl Stars known for her high health pool and long-range attacks when in cannon form. She excels in maintaining proper positioning and maximizing damage output.

What are Bonnie's strengths?

Bonnie's strengths include her high health, long-range attacks in cannon form, and versatility on the battlefield. She can adapt to different playstyles and situations effectively.

What are Bonnie's weaknesses?

Bonnie's weaknesses include limited mobility when not using her gadgets and vulnerability to close-range brawlers. Proper positioning and strategic use of gadgets are essential to mitigate these weaknesses.

What is the best gadget for Bonnie?

The best gadget for Bonnie is Sugar Rush, which boosts her agility and allows for quick repositioning during battles. This gadget enhances her overall effectiveness on the battlefield.

What is the best Star Power for Bonnie?

The best Star Power for Bonnie is Black Powder, which increases the range of her Super, allowing for more impactful attacks from a distance.

How should I play Bonnie efficiently?

To play Bonnie efficiently, focus on utilizing her cannon form for long-range attacks, maintain proper positioning to avoid close-range threats, and use Sugar Rush strategically to enhance mobility.

Why is proper positioning important for playing Bonnie?

Proper positioning is crucial for playing Bonnie as it allows you to maximize her range and damage output while minimizing exposure to enemy attacks. Staying at an optimal distance ensures safety and effectiveness.

How can I maximize damage with Bonnie's cannon form?

Maximize damage with Bonnie's cannon form by keeping a safe distance from enemies, taking advantage of her long-range capabilities, and coordinating with teammates for crowd control.

Can I use any other strategies to excel with Bonnie?

Yes! Leverage her unique abilities by focusing on crowd control alongside your team, using gadgets wisely, and always being aware of your surroundings to maintain an advantage over opponents.