Brawl Stars Melodie Guide 2024: Top Builds & Winning Strategies

Master Melodie in Brawl Stars with our ultimate guide! Discover the best builds, strategies, and teammates to dominate e...

Are you ready to take your Brawl Stars gameplay to the next level with Melodie? This guide dives into the best builds and strategies for dominating the arena with this versatile brawler. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, mastering Melodie's unique abilities can give you a important edge.

Who is Melodie in Brawl Stars?

Melodie is a Mythic Brawler in Brawl Stars, known for her long-range attacks and high damage potential. She stands out with her unique attack called the monster note, which can cover important distances but deals very low damage on its own. This attack becomes more effective with the right Star Powers and Gadgets.

Melodie's health is moderate, allowing her to withstand some hits while maintaining offensive pressure. She excels at supporting her team from a distance, chipping away at enemies' health bars over time. Her versatility makes her a valuable asset in various game modes and strategies.

To maximize Melodie's effectiveness, you need to understand how to leverage her abilities. Using her Gadgets and Star Powers can significantly amplify her damage output, making her a formidable opponent. Mastering these elements will give you a competitive edge in battles.

Melodie's Strengths and Weaknesses

Melodie stands out in Brawl Stars due to her unique abilities. Her strengths lie in her long-range attacks and versatile combat options, but she also has notable weaknesses.

Melodie's Strengths

  1. Long-Range Attack: Melodie's main attack, "Monster Notes," deals minimal damage but has a long range of 8 tiles. This allows you to hit enemies from a safe distance.
  2. Orbiting Notes: Each note spawned by her main attack orbits around her, dealing important damage upon impact. Up to three notes can orbit simultaneously, creating a powerful defensive mechanism.
  3. Super Ability: Her Super ability lets Melodie dash forward, utilizing orbiting notes for powerful strikes on enemies. It also gives her three dashes, improving her mobility across the battlefield.
  4. Gadget and Star Power: The "Interlude" Gadget grants a 15% shield for each note orbiting her, stacking up to 45%. The "Fast Beats" Star Power increases movement speed by 8% per note, with a max boost of 24%.
  5. Survivability: With the right build, Melodie becomes highly survivable due to her shields and increased speed. This makes it easier for you to dodge attacks and stay in the fight longer.
  1. Low Damage Output: Even though her long range, Melodie's primary attack deals minimal damage per hit. You may find it challenging to finish off high-health enemies quickly.
  2. Dependence on Orbiting Notes: Her effectiveness heavily relies on managing the orbiting notes correctly. If you fail to keep multiple notes active, your damage output and defenses weaken significantly.
  3. Mobility Constraints: While her Super provides mobility through dashes, it's limited by cooldowns and requires precise timing. Misusing this ability can leave you vulnerable during critical moments.
  4. Vulnerability at Close Range: At close range, Melodie struggles against high-damage Brawlers due to her low base damage and reliance on orbiting notes for protection.
  5. Complex Build Management: To maximize survivability and effectiveness, you need meticulous management of Gadgets and Star Powers in different scenarios.

Best Star Powers for Melodie

Melodie's top Star Power is "Fast Beats." This power gives her an 8% increased movement speed per note orbiting her. With three notes, she gets a 24% maximum speed boost.

This heightened mobility allows Melodie to easily control the distance between herself and opponents. Whether you need to close in for an attack or retreat to safety, Fast Beats provides the flexibility needed in various combat situations.

Another option is "Harmonic Healing," which grants a 300 health regeneration per second while Super is active. Though not as versatile as Fast Beats, this Star Power can sustain you longer in battles. It’s particularly useful during extended skirmishes where survivability matters more than mobility.

When deciding between these Star Powers, consider your playstyle and current team composition. If your strategy revolves around quick movements and positioning, Fast Beats is ideal. On the other hand, if you prefer endurance and outlasting foes, go with Harmonic Healing.


  • Fast Beats: Provides up to 24% speed boost; enhances mobility.
  • Harmonic Healing: Grants 300 HP/sec during Super; improves survivability.

Choose wisely based on your battle needs and ensure that Melodie’s abilities align with your overall strategy for success in Brawl Stars.

Best Gadgets for Melodie

Melodie in Brawl Stars benefits significantly from her gadgets, improving both her survivability and damage output. Here are the best gadgets for her:


The Interlude gadget offers a 15% shield from each note orbiting Melodie, stacking up to a substantial 45% shield with all three notes active. This shield gets weaker over time, diminishing by 5% every 0.5 seconds. Use this gadget to absorb incoming damage, especially when captivating multiple enemies.

Perfect Pitch

The Perfect Pitch gadget proves useful in exact scenarios like Heist mode, allowing Melodie to attack from a safe distance. But, it makes her vulnerable to assassins as the notes are further away from her. Use this gadget strategically to maximize your offense while maintaining awareness of potential threats.

These gadgets collectively enhance Melodie's versatility in various game modes. Choose wisely based on the situation and your playstyle to dominate battles effectively.

Best Gears for Melodie

Choosing the right gears for Melodie can significantly enhance her performance in Brawl Stars. Here are the best options:

  1. Shield Gear: This gear provides an additional 900 health, improving Melodie's survivability. You'll find this especially useful when facing high-damage opponents, as it makes her more resilient against enemy attacks.
  2. Damage Gear: When Melodie's health falls below 50%, this gear increases her damage output by 15%. In critical moments, this boost amplifies her offensive capabilities, making it easier to turn the tide of battle.
  3. Gadget Charge Gear: This gear allows for an extra gadget charge. It proves useful for Melodie's Interlude Gadget, which offers a shield and increased movement speed, providing both defense and mobility.

These gears complement Melodie's abilities, improving her survivability, damage output, and mobility in various combat scenarios.

Best Teammates for Melodie

Choosing the right teammates can enhance Melodie's strengths and mitigate her weaknesses. Here are the top picks:

  1. Angelo: As a fellow Season 24 brawler, Angelo's abilities complement Melodie's well. His Super can set up Melodie's notes for maximum damage. This synergy makes them a formidable duo.
  2. Colt: Colt's high damage output can eliminate immediate threats, allowing you to focus on using Melodie's notes effectively. His precision shooting keeps enemies at bay, giving Melodie room to maneuver.
  3. Amber: Amber's Dancing Flames Gadget shares similarities with Melodie's musical notes, making them a good pair for team-based modes. Her area denial capabilities align well with Melodie's long-range attacks.
  4. Bull: Bull's high health and damage output make him an excellent tank to support Melodie's long-range attacks. His ability to absorb damage allows you to stay in the fight longer.
  5. Jacky: Jacky's speed and agility help her dodge enemy attacks and create opportunities for counterattacks. Her presence forces enemies to split their focus, giving Melodie an edge in battles.

These teammates provide strategic advantages that enhance your gameplay experience with Melodie in Brawl Stars.

Best Game Modes for Melodie

Melodie is a powerful brawler in Brawl Stars, and her effectiveness varies across different game modes. Here are the best game modes for Melodie:


Knockout allows Melodie to deal important damage, especially with multiple enemies present. Her long-range attacks and Super ability make her a formidable opponent. Use her notes strategically to control the battlefield.


In Wipeout, Melodie's long-range attacks shine as she clears out enemies quickly. The mode's fast-paced nature complements her abilities, allowing you to take advantage of her offensive strengths. Positioning is key to maximizing her potential.


This mode provides ample opportunities for Melodie to showcase both her damage potential and defensive capabilities. In 5v5, you can use her orbiting notes to protect teammates while dealing consistent damage. Team coordination will amplify your success in this game mode.

Using these strategies, you'll optimize Melodie's performance across various game modes, ensuring victory in Brawl Stars battles.

Tips for Playing Melodie Effectively

Maintain Distance: Melodie's long-range attacks make her a formidable opponent from afar. Keep enemies at bay by consistently using her Normal Attack and Monster Notes. This approach ensures you maximize damage while minimizing risk.

Use Interlude Gadget Wisely: Activate the Interlude Gadget when captivating multiple enemies. The 15% shield from each note can stack up to 45%, offering important protection. Use it strategically during intense skirmishes.

Capitalize on Fast Beats Star Power: Fast Beats increases your movement speed by 8% per orbiting note, up to 24%. This speed boost helps in dodging attacks and repositioning quickly. Always keep an eye on your notes to leverage this advantage.

Game Modes Strategy

Knockout Mode: In Knockout, staying alive is crucial. Use Melodie's range to chip away at opponents' health while avoiding direct confrontations. Combine this with her shield gadget for added protection in critical moments.

Positioning and Movement

Optimal Positioning: Stay behind cover whenever possible, only emerging to attack or use your Super ability. This minimizes exposure and maximizes your offensive potential.

Team Synergy

Support Teammates: Pair with brawlers like Angelo, who can heal or provide additional support, improving Melodie's survivability and effectiveness in combat. Coordinate attacks to overwhelm enemies effectively.

Super Ability Utilization

Effective Super Usage: Use Melodie's Super ability strategically by targeting clusters of enemies or high-value targets. Its range of 5.33 ensures you can hit multiple foes, turning the tide of battle in your favor.

Combining these strategies will help you master playing Melodie, making her a key asset in any Brawl Stars match-up.


Revealing Melodie

Early Access Kit: Purchase the Early Access Melodie Bundle in the Shop for $19.99. This bundle includes Melodie, 8 Pins, 4000 Gold, 2200 Power Points, and 80 Gems.

Starr Road: Unlock Melodie with 1900 Credits on Starr Road after her official release.

Best Builds

Gadget: Interlude is the recommended Gadget. It provides a 15% shield from each note orbiting Melodie, stacking up to 45% when all three notes are active.

Star Power: Fast Beats is the recommended Star Power. It grants Melodie an 8% increased movement speed from each note orbiting her, culminating in a 24% maximum speed boost.

Optimal Gears

  • Shield Gear: Offers extra protection during battles.
  • Damage Gear: Enhances attack power.
  • Gadget Charge Gear: Speeds up gadget recharge time.

Strategic Teammates

Pair Melodie with these teammates for optimal performance:

  • Angelo: Provides healing support.
  • Colt: Offers high damage output.
  • Amber: Controls battlefield areas with fire attacks.
  • Bull: Acts as a tank to absorb damage.
  • Jacky: Deals area damage to multiple enemies.

Best Game Modes for Melodie

Melodie's abilities shine in these game modes:

  • Knockout
  • Wipeout
  • 5v5

Tips for Playing Melodie Effectively

Maintain distance from enemies due to her long-range attacks. Use Gadgets wisely to maximize their benefits during critical moments. Capitalize on Star Powers to gain an advantage over opponents.

Key Takeaways

  • Master Melodie's Unique Abilities: Leverage her long-range attacks and orbiting notes for both offensive and defensive strategies.
  • Optimal Builds: Use the "Interlude" Gadget for shielding and "Fast Beats" Star Power for enhanced mobility, or choose "Harmonic Healing" for sustained health regeneration during battles.
  • Best Gears: Equip Shield Gear for added protection, Damage Gear to boost attack power when health is low, and Gadget Charge Gear to increase gadget availability.
  • Effective Teammates: Pair Melodie with teammates like Angelo, Colt, Amber, Bull, or Jacky to maximize her strengths and cover her weaknesses in various combat scenarios.
  • Ideal Game Modes: Excel in Knockout, Wipeout, and 5v5 game modes by utilizing Melodie's range and strategic positioning.
  • Strategic Tips: Maintain distance from enemies, use gadgets wisely during critical moments, capitalize on Star Powers for movement speed or health regeneration, and coordinate with your team for optimal performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Melodie in Brawl Stars?

Melodie is a Mythic Brawler known for her long-range attacks and combat versatility in the game Brawl Stars.

What are Melodie's main abilities?

Melodie’s main abilities include "Monster Notes" and her Super ability, which allow her to deal significant damage from a distance.

What Gadgets does Melodie have?

Melodie has two primary Gadgets: "Interlude," which enhances her attack capabilities, and "Fast Beats," which boosts her speed.

What are Melodie's top Star Powers?

Her top Star Powers are "Fast Beats," increasing speed, and "Harmonic Healing," providing health recovery during battles.

What gears should I use for Melodie?

Optimal gears for Melodie include Shield Gear, Damage Gear, and Gadget Charge Gear to enhance her combat performance.

Who are the best teammates for Melodie?

Strategic teammates for Melodie include Angelo, Colt, Amber, Bull, and Jacky due to their complementary abilities.

What game modes are best suited for Melodie?

Melodie's abilities excel in game modes like Knockout, Wipeout, and 5v5.

How can I unlock Melodie in Brawl Stars?

You can unlock Melodie through the Early Access Kit or via Starr Road within the game.

What is the best build for Melodie?

The recommended build includes using the Interlude Gadget with the Fast Beats Star Power for optimal performance.

Any tips for effective gameplay with Melodie?

Maintain distance from enemies, use Gadgets wisely, and leverage Star Powers strategically to maximize effectiveness in battles.