Brawl Stars Sprout Guide 2024: Top Builds & Winning Strategies

Master Sprout in Brawl Stars with our guide! Discover top builds, strategies, and tips to dominate Gem Grab, Brawl Ball,...

Are you ready to dominate the battlefield with Sprout in Brawl Stars? This adorable yet powerful brawler can be a game-changer when used correctly. In this guide, you'll discover the best builds and strategies to maximize Sprout's potential. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting, understanding how to effectively use Sprout's unique abilities will give you a competitive edge.

Who is Sprout in Brawl Stars?

Sprout is a Mythic brawler in Brawl Stars, designed as a cute gardening robot. Even though having moderately low health, Sprout compensates with a unique blend of utility and firepower. Its primary attack, Seed Bomb, launches explosive projectiles that bounce before detonating.

The Super ability, Super Seeds, creates temporary impassable obstacles. This allows you to cut off enemy paths and control the game's flow effectively. Also, Sprout's Thorn Hypercharge enhances the damage potential of its vine hedges.

Sprout excels at area denial and map control. Use Seed Bomb to harass enemies from a distance while maintaining safety. Super Seeds can strategically block off key areas or protect your team.

Sprout's versatility makes it valuable in various game modes. In Gem Grab, control the center by blocking enemy access with Super Seeds. In Brawl Ball, use the same ability to prevent opponents from reaching the ball.

Mastering Sprout involves timing and positioning. Keep moving to avoid becoming an easy target due to low health. When used correctly, Sprout can dominate the battlefield and provide important support to your team.

Summarizing, Sprout combines utility with moderate offensive capabilities. Understanding its abilities lets you exploit its strengths fully in Brawl Stars matches.

Sprout's Strengths and Weaknesses

Sprout, with its unique abilities, holds both important strengths and notable weaknesses in Brawl Stars. Understanding these can help you master this brawler more effectively.

Sprout's Strengths

Sprout boasts high health for a thrower, making it more durable in battles. You can leverage this durability to sustain longer in fights.

Its gadget, Garden Mulcher, restores 2000 health when used, providing a important combat advantage. This healing ability enhances your survivability during intense skirmishes.

Sprout excels at area denial; its Super creates temporary impassable obstacles. This allows you to cut off enemy paths and dictate the flow of the game strategically.

With long-range attacks, Sprout can hit enemies from a distance by bouncing shots around before detonating. This makes it effective at keeping foes at bay.

Finally, Sprout’s Star Power, Photosynthesis, gives it a shield while in bushes. This increases your survivability by reducing incoming damage when positioned strategically.

Sprout's Weaknesses

Aggressive units like Mortis, Bibi, and Buzz pose a important threat to Sprout. These aggro units can quickly close the gap and take you down due to their high mobility.

Sprout struggles against tanks because of their high health points. Dealing substantial damage to these units is challenging due to your attack patterns and lower burst potential.

Limited mobility makes it tough for Sprout to escape close encounters. If caught out of position or flanked by fast-moving enemies, you might find yourself in dire straits quickly.

Summarizing, while Sprout shines with high health and area control abilities, vulnerabilities against aggressive brawlers and tanks require careful positioning and strategic play to mitigate effectively.

Best Star Powers for Sprout

Overgrowth stands out as the best Star Power for Sprout. It grants a charge bar that, when full, increases the explosion radius of its attacks by 25%. This boost in range gives Sprout unparalleled control over the battlefield.

With Overgrowth, you can zone out enemies more effectively. This capability makes securing key objectives much easier. The increased range also allows for better crowd control.

Another useful Star Power is Photosynthesis. It provides a shield when standing inside bushes, reducing incoming damage by 30%. This ability enhances survivability, especially in maps with ample bush cover.

In certain game modes like Gem Grab and Brawl Ball, Photosynthesis offers strategic advantages. You can sustain more damage while holding crucial positions. The shield's passive nature means it activates automatically when conditions are met.

Choosing between these two Star Powers depends on your playstyle and the map layout. If you prefer aggressive zoning and area denial, go with Overgrowth. For enhanced durability and defensive gameplay, opt for Photosynthesis.

Both Star Powers significantly improve Sprout's effectiveness in matches. Understanding when to use each one can give you a competitive edge in Brawl Stars battles.

Best Gadgets for Sprout

Sprout benefits greatly from the right gadgets, improving its battlefield control and survivability. Here are the best gadgets for Sprout:


The Transplant gadget allows Sprout to destroy its current hedge and instantly recharge its Super. This provides a important tactical advantage, enabling you to maintain continuous control over the battlefield. Use it to block enemies or protect teammates effectively.

Garden Mulcher

The Garden Mulcher gadget restores 2000 health when Sprout eats a bush. This healing benefit is substantial, especially in prolonged battles. Activate this gadget strategically when your health is low to stay in the fight longer.

Both gadgets offer distinct advantages. Choose based on your playstyle and match requirements.

Best Gears for Sprout

Improving Sprout's capabilities with the right gears significantly boosts its performance in Brawl Stars. Two gears stand out as the best options:

  1. Super Charge: This gear accelerates Sprout's Super charge rate by 10%. You can deploy barriers more frequently, gaining greater control over the map. This gear is essential for maintaining area denial.
  2. Shield: Providing an additional 900 health, this consumable shield makes Sprout more durable. It allows you to withstand more punishment, increasing your survivability in battles. The extra layer of defense can be crucial during intense matchups.

These gears enhance Sprout's effectiveness, particularly its Super, which is vital for controlling the battlefield and denying enemy access to key areas.

Best Teammates for Sprout

Pairing Sprout with the right teammates enhances its performance significantly. Two key teammate categories stand out: Sharpshooters and Support Brawlers.


Sprout excels against sharpshooters. By teaming up with them, you can maximize Sprout's ability to eliminate threats quickly. Examples include Piper, Brock, and Belle. These brawlers can deal substantial damage from a distance, complementing Sprout's area denial capabilities.

Support Brawlers

Support brawlers can amplify Sprout's utility on the battlefield. When paired with support characters like Poco, Pam, or Byron, your team gains enhanced control and sustain. Poco’s healing, Pam’s turret, and Byron’s long-range support abilities synergize well with Sprout’s defensive gameplay.

Combining Strategies

Combining sharpshooters and support brawlers with Sprout creates a balanced team composition. This setup allows you to maintain pressure on enemies while ensuring your team stays healthy and protected. Use these combinations strategically to dominate various game modes in Brawl Stars.

  1. Piper, Pam, Sprout
  2. Brock, Poco, Sprout
  3. Belle, Byron, Sprout

Choose teammates wisely based on the map and game mode to leverage Sprout's strengths fully.

Best Game Modes for Sprout

Sprout, a Mythic brawler in Brawl Stars, excels in various game modes due to its unique abilities and versatility. Here are the best game modes for Sprout:


Sprout is particularly strong in Bounty mode, where its ability to control the map and block enemy movements is crucial. It can effectively dictate the flow of the game and protect its teammates. Use Sprout’s Super to create barriers, making it difficult for enemies to approach.

Gem Grab

In Gem Grab, Sprout's area denial tactics and ability to throw over walls make it a formidable brawler. Secure key objectives and limit enemy movements with precise attacks. Its Super can block paths, hindering opponents from collecting gems.

Duo Showdown

Duo Showdown is another mode where Sprout shines. Its ability to bounce attacks off walls creates barriers, making it challenging for enemies to approach. Use these tactics to control the map and support your teammate effectively.


Sprout also performs well in Siege mode, using its Super ability strategically. Block enemy paths and protect your team's siege engine by creating obstacles. This tactic can turn the tide of battle by preventing opponents from reaching critical areas.

By mastering these game modes with Sprout, you can maximize its potential and dominate your matches in Brawl Stars.

Tips for Playing Sprout Effectively

Positioning is crucial when playing Sprout. Stay behind walls and use your long-range attacks to control the battlefield. Keep moving to avoid becoming an easy target.

Use Photosynthesis to maximize your survivability. Activate the shield gadget when hiding in bushes, which gives you an edge in prolonged fights. Pair it with Garden Mulcher for instant health recovery by consuming a bush.

Deploy Transplant strategically to create new barriers or destroy existing ones. This gadget recharges your Super, allowing you to block key areas repeatedly. Effective use of Transplant can turn the tide of battle.

Focus on map control with Sprout’s attacks and Super ability. Use Overgrowth's increased explosion radius to clear out clusters of enemies or deny area access. Mastering this Star Power ensures dominance over strategic points.

Equip Super Charge Gear for faster Super recharge rates, which is essential for maintaining control over the map. Combine it with the Shield Gear for an additional 900 health boost, improving Sprout's durability in tight situations.

Understand game mode dynamics. In Gem Grab, leverage Sprout’s area denial to protect gems and control mid-map zones. For Brawl Ball, use your Super to block paths and disrupt enemy advances effectively.

Pair with complementary brawlers like Jessie or Penny who can capitalize on Sprout’s control abilities. These combinations create a balanced team composition that excels in various modes.

Stay aware of aggressive brawlers such as Mortis or Bull who can quickly close distance and eliminate you. Maintain distance from these threats using walls and strategic positioning.

Adapt strategies based on map layout and enemy composition. Each match presents unique challenges that require quick thinking and tactical adjustments for optimal performance with Sprout.


Overview of Sprout

Sprout is a Mythic brawler in Brawl Stars, known for unique abilities and versatility across various game modes. As a thrower-type brawler, he boasts high health and a gadget that heals him. His super ability lets him create temporary impassable obstacles, effectively controlling the battlefield.

Best Builds

  1. Photosynthesis + Garden Mulcher

This build is recommended for maps like Canal Grande, Sneaky Fields, and Super Stadium. It provides a shield to protect Sprout while also healing him with the Garden Mulcher gadget. Use this build to enhance survivability and sustain in prolonged battles.

  1. Overgrowth + Garden Mulcher

This build suits maps like Some Assembly Required, Nuts And Bolts, and Junk Park. Overgrowth increases the explosion radius of Sprout's attacks, making him more effective at zoning out enemies. Pair this with Garden Mulcher for added healing benefits.

Effective Strategies for Playing Sprout

Positioning: Stay behind walls or obstacles to maximize your range advantage while minimizing exposure to enemy fire.

Map Control: Use your super ability to block paths and control key areas of the map.

Team Composition: Pair with brawlers like Jessie or Penny to balance your team's offensive and defensive capabilities.

Tips for Mastery

  1. Use Photosynthesis: Activate this Star Power to gain a shield when near bushes, improving survivability.
  2. Deploy Transplant Strategically: Use the Transplant gadget to reposition walls created by your super for optimal map control.
  3. Master Overgrowth: Take advantage of the increased explosion radius to hit multiple targets or control large areas.

Recommended Gears

Equip Super Charge Gear for faster Super recharge rates, allowing more frequent use of your super ability. Shield Gear improves durability by reducing damage taken.

Adapting Strategies

Adapt strategies based on map layout and enemy composition for optimal performance with Sprout in various game modes. Stay vigilant against aggressive brawlers like Mortis or Bull who can quickly close the distance.

By following these builds and strategies, you can maximize Sprout's potential in Brawl Stars matches across different game modes.

Key Takeaways

  • Sprout's Abilities: Sprout is a Mythic brawler with unique utility and firepower. Its primary attack, Seed Bomb, launches explosive projectiles, while its Super ability, Super Seeds, creates temporary obstacles to control the battlefield.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Sprout excels in area denial and has good durability but struggles against aggressive units and tanks due to limited mobility and lower burst potential.
  • Optimal Star Powers: Overgrowth increases the explosion radius of attacks for better crowd control, while Photosynthesis provides a shield for enhanced survivability in bush-heavy maps.
  • Best Gadgets: Transplant allows immediate recharging of Sprout's Super for continuous map control, whereas Garden Mulcher restores health to sustain longer in battles.
  • Ideal Gears: Super Charge accelerates the recharge rate of Sprout's Super, enhancing map control. The Shield Gear boosts durability by providing extra health.
  • Effective Team Composition: Pairing Sprout with sharpshooters like Piper or support brawlers like Poco amplifies its strengths, ensuring balanced team performance across different game modes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Sprout's main abilities in Brawl Stars?

Sprout's main abilities include Seed Bomb, which throws a seed that explodes and deals damage, and Super Seeds, which creates a barrier blocking enemies' paths.

Which game modes is Sprout most effective in?

Sprout excels in game modes like Gem Grab and Brawl Ball due to its area denial and map control capabilities.

What are the recommended builds for Sprout?

The recommended builds for Sprout include Photosynthesis + Garden Mulcher for survivability and Overgrowth + Garden Mulcher for enhanced zoning on different maps.

How can I maximize Sprout's survivability?

To maximize Sprout's survivability, use the Photosynthesis Star Power to gain a shield when in bushes and pair it with the Garden Mulcher gadget to heal by consuming bushes.

What strategies should I use with Sprout's super ability?

Use Sprout’s super ability strategically to control the map by blocking key areas or trapping enemies. Positioning yourself well can make your super more effective.

Which brawlers synergize well with Sprout?

Brawlers like Jessie or Penny work well with Sprout due to their ability to control areas and support from a distance.

How do I counter aggressive brawlers when playing as Sprout?

Stay cautious against aggressive brawlers like Mortis or Bull by maintaining distance, using your abilities to create barriers, and positioning yourself strategically on the map.

What gears should I equip on Sprout for optimal performance?

Equip Super Charge Gear for faster Super recharge rates and Shield Gear for improved durability during matches.